Start Your New Season In Life

Start Your New Season In Life

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” —Isaiah 43:19 Are you tired of the same old thing, day in and day out? Maybe you find yourself in a rut these days, struggling to […]

Llamamiento A La Separación

Llamamiento A La Separación

Aunque no somos llamados a corregir la confusión en el testimonio cristiano, algo que sí podemos hacer es corregirnos a nosotros mismos en relación con dicha confusión. El apóstol Pablo describe la defección del testimonio cristiano como algo tan conducente a la confusión que sólo el Señor podría distinguir entre quien era real y quien […]

Who or What is your Savior?

Who or What is your Savior?

The vast majority of the people around the world are looking to politics, science and education for the solution to life’s problems, and not to Jesus Christ. Why is this? What is happening? I believe part of our dilemma is that we have preached a weak, watered-down Christ. We have preached a watered-down Gospel. We […]

Have You Been To The Cross?

Have You Been To The Cross?

This expression “the offense of the cross” sounds strange to our modern ears. Because, you see, we have a beautiful cross on our churches. We have crosses in the lapels of our coats. We have crosses around our necks. We have crosses embossed on our Bibles. We never think of it as a scandal and […]

Are You Safe In The Storm

Are You Safe In The Storm

History records for all to see that nations have been destroyed not by enemies from without, but by the deterioration that is evidenced by immorality, ?dishonesty, greed and pride from within. Apparently, some of us living today have come to the point where we do not know where Christianity stops and where modern society begins. […]

Center our compass on God

Center our compass on God

When I was a teenager, I went on a 9-mile hike with a friend. The path he had chosen was not marked, so we just kept to the highest points along the mountain range. We knew eventually we would come out to the trail that led to the top of Superstition Mountain, which was our destination. […]